
Tier 2 support: Connection to IBM DB2 is covered by Tier 2 support


You might want to start with our resources on data connections in the Knowledge Base.

DSS supports the full range of features on DB2:

  • Reading and writing datasets

  • Executing SQL recipes

  • Performing visual recipes in-database

  • Using live engine for charts

Installing the JDBC driver

The DB2 JDBC driver is available in your DB2 installation and can be provided by your DB2 administrator.

The driver is made of a single JAR file db2jcc4.jar

To install:

  • Copy this JAR file to the lib/jdbc driver of DSS

  • Restart DSS

Creating a DB2 connection

As a Tier 2 support database, there is not a dedicated “DB2” connection in DSS.

Instead, create a “Other databases (JDBC)” connection, and enter the following information:

  • JDBC Driver class:

  • JDBC URL: jdbc:db2://yourHost:yourPort/yourDatabase

  • JDBC properties:
    • user: your username

    • password: your password

  • SQL dialect: IBM DB2

Creating DB2 datasets

To create a DB2 dataset, you need to create a “Other SQL databases” dataset. You can also Import your tables.