Filtering and flagging rows

DSS provides 5 processors for filtering data. These processors can:

  • Remove rows based on various conditions

  • Clear the content of cells based on the same conditions

  • Create “flag” columns indicating whether each row matches a condition

Common filtering actions

The configuration for most of these processors can be divided into two sections:

  • Defining match conditions that will be evaluated on a row

  • Defining the action to perform on the rows matching the condition:
    • Remove matching rows

    • Keep matching rows only

    • Clear the content of a cell, only for matching rows

    • Clear the content of a cell, only for non-matching rows

    • Create an indicator (0 / 1) column indicating whether the row matches the condition

Columns selection

Some of these processors can check their condition on multiple columns:

  • A single column

  • An explicit list of columns

  • All columns matching a given pattern

  • All columns

For processors that support column selection, you can select whether the column will be considered as matching if:

  • All columns are matching

  • Or, at least one column is matching

Filter on value

The Filter rows/cells on value and Flag rows on value match rows based on whether certain columns contain specified values.


You can select multiple values. The filter matches if at least one of the values matches.

Matching mode

By setting the match mode, you can specify how you want this processor to search:

  • ‘Complete value’ : match where the searched value is the complete cell value

  • ‘Substring’ : match when the cell contains the searched value

  • ‘Regular expression’: match when the cell matches the searched pattern (note: the regular expression is not anchored)

Normalization mode

By setting the normalization mode, you can specify how you want this processor to search

  • Using a case-sensitive search (‘Exact’ mode)

  • Using a case-insensitive search (‘Lowercase’ mode)

  • Using an accents-insensitive search (‘Normalize’ mode)

‘Normalize’ mode performs an unicode normalization.

Filter on numerical range

The Filter rows/cells on numerical range and Flag rows on numerical range match rows for which the value is within a numerical range.

  • The boundaries of the numerical range are inclusive.

  • Both lower and upper boundaries are optional.

  • If the column does not contain a valid numerical value for a row, this row is considered as being out of the range (and thus non-matching).

Filter on date range

The Filter rows/cells on date and Flag rows/cells on date range match rows for which the date is within different types of ranges: a static range, a relative (moving) range, a range of date parts.

Date Range * The boundaries are inclusive. * Both lower and upper boundaries are optional * If the column does not contain a valid date for a row, this row is considered as being out of the range. * The provided time zone will be used to filter dates.

Relative Range * The boundaries are inclusive * The boundaries are dynamic and update relative to the time specified on the DSS server * Date periods are calendar periods : ‘last 3 months’ will be a range that only includes the last 3 complete calendar months

Date Part * Filter using date components like year, quarter, or weekday

Note: this processor works on columns with “Date” meaning, i.e. parsed dates. For more information, please see Managing dates

Filter on formula

The Filter rows/cells with formula and Flag rows with formula match rows based on the result of a Formula language.

The row matches if the result if the formula is considered as “truish”, which includes:

  • A true boolean

  • A number (integer or decimal) which is not 0

  • The string “true”

Filter on bad meaning

The Filter invalid rows/cells and Flag invalid rows match rows based on whether they are considered as valid for the selected meaning. For more information about meanings, please see Schemas, storage types and meanings