Installing a Govern node¶
You need to manually install a Govern node if you plan to use Dataiku governance capabilities. See Governance for more information.
The process of installing a Govern instance is very similar to a regular DSS installation, except for the database requirement below. Requirements and Installing a new DSS instance thus remain mostly valid.
Database requirements¶
Govern is based on a Postgresql 12+ database for the storage of data. A dedicated database and user need to be created on the Postgresql instance for Govern:
CREATE USER <govern_user> WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<govern_pwd>';
CREATE DATABASE <govern_db> OWNER <govern_user>;
Where <govern_user>
, <govern_pwd>
and <govern_db>
are the values of your choice.
Unpack the kit, just like for a design node.
Then from the user account which will be used to run Dataiku Govern, enter the following command:
dataiku-dss-VERSION/ -t govern -d DATA_DIR -p PORT -l LICENSE_FILE
is the location of the data directory that you want to use. If the directory already exists, it must be empty.PORT
is the base TCP port to be used for Govern.LICENSE_FILE
is the path to your DSS license file.
In short, all installation steps are the same as for a design node, you simply need to add -t govern
to the
Dependencies handling, enabling startup at boot time, and starting the govern node, work exactly as for the design node.
Post-installation steps¶
Before starting Govern, the Postgresql database connection needs to be setup in the settings.
Edit DATA_DIR/config/
and add the connection setting there:
Where <govern_user>
, <govern_pwd>
and <govern_db>
should be replaced with the value used previously to create the user and database for Govern.
In case there’s a specific schema to be used for govern, it can be specified with ?currentSchema=<govern_schema>
. This is optional, and this part may be removed from the URL if default schema configured in the database is to be used.
and <psql_port>
should point to a running PostgreSQL server.
Finally, for bootstrapping the initial configuration of govern, issue the following command (only first time after kit installation):
DATA_DIR/bin/govern-admin init-db
Govern can then be started with the standard command:
DATA_DIR/bin/dss start