Installing an API node

You need to manually install one or several API Nodes:
  • If you want to create a static infrastructure in the API Deployer. See Concepts for more information.

  • If you don’t plan on using API Deployer

If you plan to use Kubernetes-based infrastructures in the API Deployer, you do not need to install any API node. Installation will be fully managed.

The process of installing a DSS API node instance is very similar to a regular DSS installation. Requirements and Installing a new DSS instance thus remain mostly valid.


Unpack the kit like for a design node.

Then from the user account which will be used to run the DSS API node, enter the following command:

dataiku-dss-VERSION/ -t api -d DATA_DIR -p PORT -l LICENSE_FILE


  • DATA_DIR is the location of the data directory that you want to use. If the directory already exists, it must be empty.

  • PORT is the base TCP port.

  • LICENSE_FILE is your DSS license file.

In short, all installation steps are the same as for a design node, you simply need to add -t api to the command-line.


Using the API node requires a specific DSS license. Please contact Dataiku for more information.

Dependencies handling, enabling startup at boot time, and starting the API node, work exactly as for the DSS design node.