Text variables

The Text handling and Missing values methods, and their related controls, specify how a text variable is handled.

Text handling

For the specific case of deep learning, see text features in deep-learning models

Text embedding

Text embedding creates semantically meaningful dense matrix representations of text. In DSS, this text handling method makes use of API-based models through the LLM Mesh or local transformer models using the transformers and sentence-transformers libraries. Each text sample is passed through the selected model. The outputs are then pooled to an embedding with a model-specific fixed size. For local transformer models, the computations can be configured to use a GPU. You can either choose models downloaded to the code environment resources or models from the LLM Mesh.

Using models from the code environment resources

When using text embedding in Visual ML, the selected environment in the runtime environment requires the sentence-transformers python package to be installed. You can install all necessary packages by adding the “Visual Machine Learning with text embedding” package set, in the code-environment “Packages to install” tab.

Text embedding also requires models to be downloaded. This can be done via the managed code environment resources directory.

See below for an example code environment resources initialization script.

######################## Base imports #################################
import logging
import os
import shutil

from dataiku.code_env_resources import clear_all_env_vars
from dataiku.code_env_resources import grant_permissions
from dataiku.code_env_resources import set_env_path
from dataiku.code_env_resources import set_env_var
from dataiku.code_env_resources import update_models_meta

# Set-up logging
logger = logging.getLogger("code_env_resources")

# Clear all environment variables defined by a previously run script

######################## Sentence Transformers #################################
# Set sentence_transformers cache directory
set_env_path("SENTENCE_TRANSFORMERS_HOME", "sentence_transformers")

import sentence_transformers

# Download pretrained models
    ("DataikuNLP/average_word_embeddings_glove.6B.300d", "52d892b217016f53b6c717839bf62c746a658933"),
    ("DataikuNLP/TinyBERT_General_4L_312D", "33ec5b27fcd40369ff402c779baffe219f5360fe"),
    ("DataikuNLP/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2", "4f806dbc260d6ce3d6aed0cbf875f668cc1b5480"),
    # Add other models you wish to download and make available as shown below (removing the # to uncomment):
    # ("bert-base-uncased", "b96743c503420c0858ad23fca994e670844c6c05"),

sentence_transformers_cache_dir = os.getenv("SENTENCE_TRANSFORMERS_HOME")
for (model_repo, revision) in MODELS_REPO_AND_REVISION:
    logger.info("Loading pretrained SentenceTransformer model: {}".format(model_repo))
    model_path = os.path.join(sentence_transformers_cache_dir, model_repo.replace("/", "_"))

    # Uncomment below to overwrite (force re-download of) all existing models
    # if os.path.exists(model_path):
    #     logger.warning("Removing model: {}".format(model_path))
    #     shutil.rmtree(model_path)

    # This also skips same models with a different revision
    if not os.path.exists(model_path):
        model_path_tmp = sentence_transformers.util.snapshot_download(
            ignore_files=["flax_model.msgpack", "rust_model.ot", "tf_model.h5",],
        os.rename(model_path_tmp, model_path)
        logger.info("Model already downloaded, skipping")
# Add text embedding models to the code-envs models meta-data
# (ensure that they are properly displayed in the feature handling)
# Grant everyone read access to pretrained models in sentence_transformers/ folder
# (by default, sentence transformers makes them only readable by the owner)

Using models from the LLM Mesh

You can also select text embeddings extraction models enabled from the LLM connections.

When selecting models from the LLM Mesh, the configuration of the connection exposing the model is applied (caching, auditing, …).


Models from the LLM Mesh are not supported on the API node.

Missing values

For text features except Text embedding, DSS supports treating missing values as empty strings. Missing values for Text embedding handling are imputed with empty embeddings (zeros).