Model fine-tuning

Fine-tuning in the LLM Mesh specializes a pre-trained model to perform better on a specific task or domain. It requires annotated data: prompts and their expected completions. Fine-tuning can be resource-intensive, so evaluate your needs carefully.

Before resorting to fine-tuning, the Prompt Studio can be used to craft well-designed prompts to significantly improve the model’s output without additional techniques.

Another option is to use Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG combines the LLM with a retrieval model that pulls in external knowledge.

Fine-tuning is really helpful for:

  • domain-specific tasks: to improve the model’s understanding of a particular domain.

  • specialized outputs: when the required output format is more specialized.

  • sensitive data: to ensure compliant and secure outputs for sensitive information.

  • low-resource domains: if data for your use case is limited.


You need full outgoing Internet connectivity for downloading the models. Air-gapped setups are not supported.

Your admin must create a LLM connection with fine-tuning enabled. Fine-tuning is supported for OpenAI and Local HuggingFace connections.

Using the Fine-tuning recipe


The LLM fine-tuning recipe is available to customers with the Advanced LLM Mesh add-on

Standard usage

Import a dataset with two required columns : a prompt column (the input of the model) and a completion column (the ideal output). These columns must not contain missing values.


Optionally, the input dataset can include a system message column used to explain the task for a specific row. This column can contain missing values.

Run the recipe to obtain a fine-tuned model, ready for use in your LLM Mesh.

Advanced usage

The fine-tuning recipe also supports a validation dataset as input.


When present, the loss graph in the model summary will show the evolution of the loss evaluated against the validation dataset during the fine-tuning.


Additional remarks

When fine-tuning a Local Huggingface model, the recipe will use the code environment defined at the connection level. Its container configuration can be set in the recipe settings. It is strongly advised to use a GPU to fine-tune HuggingFace models.

In all cases, the fine-tune recipe will not apply the guardrails defined in the connection (e.g PII detection won’t be done)

Using Python code (experimental)

To have full control over the fine-tuning process, instead of the visual fine-tuning recipe presented above, you can also fine-tune a LLM using Python code.