Send Emails to a contact list

Dataiku provides a recipe to send mails to a list of contacts.


From a dataset containing a column of emails addresses, 1 mail per row will be sent. The email is customizable using Templating, and can be enriched with data contained within each row in the contacts dataset. It can also include other datasets as CSV or Excel attachments.


This capability is provided by the “Send emails” plugin, which you need to install. Please see Installing plugins.

This plugin is Not supported

Send Mail recipe settings

In most settings, you have 2 main choices:

  • Getting the value from a column

  • Use a custom value directly in the form


  • Recommended: An existing Dataiku channel configured for sending email

  • “Manually define SMTP” to configure a mail server directly


This field does not appear if the channel already has a sender.

  • Use a dataset column

  • Use a custom value


The column to use with the email to send to. Addresses can be in the form: Name <> or just


If you use a custom value, the subject supports templating. You can use column names from the contact dataset, like Hello {{ Name }} - Some news about {{ category }}.

Email Content

Email Body

  • Use a dataset column

  • Use a custom value: in HTML or plain text (templating is supported in both cases)

Attachments format

Choose whether to include the attachment datasets as CSV or Excel files. Each dataset will be included as a separate attachment (be careful about the file size).

Conditional formatting: If checked, rules defined on your dataset will also be applied to:

  • HTML email bodies: Conditional formatting is applied directly to the email content. Leverage directly the JINJA syntax {{ attachments.my_dataset.html_table }}

  • Excel attachments: The formatting you’ve set up will be applied to your Excel file attachments


JINJA templating is supported. For the body and the subject, you can use:

For the body, you can also insert:

Dataiku variables

The pattern ${dataiku_variable} injects a Dataiku variable, for instance one set at the project level.

Contacts dataset column values

The pattern {{ my_column_name }} references a dataset column. Its value for the current row of the contacts dataset will replace it.

Basic HTML table of an attachment dataset

You can inject a dataset as an inline HTML table in the mail body. Only the first 50 rows will be included: {{ attachments.my_dataset.html_table }}

The dataset must be an input dataset of the recipe. If the dataset has been shared from another project, you must include the project key: {{ attachments.other_project_key.my_dataset.html_table }}. This will include all the columns from that dataset.

The inline HTML table can be customized using CSS.

Custom rendering of attachment datasets

The full JINJA templating syntax is exposed for the first 50 rows of each attachment dataset using

{% for row in %}
<div>{{ row.my_column }}<div>
{% endfor %}

Output dataset

The output dataset will be a copy of the contacts dataset with two additional columns:

  • sendmail_status - SUCCESS or FAILED, depending on the status

  • sendmail_error - ordinarily empty, but if there is a failure, populated with an error message from the attempt to send the email