Upgrading FM


This guided setup allows you to upgrade an existing Dataiku Cloud Stacks for Azure. It assumes you had followed the guided setup example to build your initial setup.



For any upgrade to Fleet Manager version 12.6.0 or higher, it is required to previously stop the virtual machine hosting Fleet Manager, or the upgrade process could fail.

Stop Fleet Manager server

  • Go into the resource group into which the deployment was made. We call it <resource-group>

  • Find the machine hosting Fleet Manager. Its name should be <resource-group>-instance

  • Click on its name, the instance blade opens

  • In Properties tab, section Networking, find the Private IP address of the instance and make a note of it

  • Click on the Stop button

  • Wait for the machine the reach the state Stopped (deallocated)

Backup Fleet Manager’s data disk

  • Find the data disk, its name should be <resource-group>-instance-data-disk

  • Click on its name, the volume blade opens

  • Click on + Create snapshot

  • Choose an identifiable name, for instance fm-backup-YYYYMMDD, and click on Review+Create

  • Click on Create

  • Wait for the deployment to finish, and click on Go to resource

  • Click on Properties in the left menu and make a note of Resource ID value

Delete the existing server

  • Go back to the instance of step Stop Fleet Manager server

  • Click on Delete

  • On the blade opening from the right hand side, select OS disk and Data disks, do not select the network resources

  • Tick the deletion disclaimer then click on Delete at the bottom of the blade

  • Wait for the resources (machine and disks) to disappear from the resource group even after multiple refreshes of the resources list

Create the new stack

  • Follow the guided setup example to deploy the new version of Fleet Manager

    • Populate the Private Ip Address field with the previous FM IP address previously noted

    • Populate the Snapshot field with the snapshot Resource ID previously noted


DSS machines seem unresponsive

In case the DSS machines seem unresponsive in the FM UI following the upgrade, reprovision the different DSS machines for them to be able to communicate again with FM.