Item navigation

Each Govern item page has detailed information that you can access in the left menu.

See also

This information can also be found in Concept | Govern item pages.


The Overview section gives you contextual information about the object. For projects, it provides the project description, project type and scope, related items, sign-off settings, and qualification snapshot.


The workflow will tell you about an object’s progress. You can click on each step of the workflow for more information. Learn more in this section on the Workflow.


The Attachments section displays references and files related to the object.


The timeline will show you a history of important changes made to the Govern item.

The history includes:

  • The user who made the change

  • The description of the change

  • A timestamp of a change

More details about each change are included in a table that presents:

  • The name of the updated attribute

  • The attribute’s previous value

  • The attribute’s new value

To be able to easily find information about specific events, you can also filter the timeline.



Date and Time

Filter for updates that occurred before, after, or in between a certain date and time.


Find updates that were authored by specific users.

Actions on

View updates for specific actions such as updates on fields, sign-off and the item’s template, etc.

Deployment (Model versions and bundles only)

This tab displays deployment data for model versions and bundles.

Dataiku Objects

This section will show you all of the connected Dataiku project information from the Design node, as well as information about related items such as models, bundles, and datasets.

Role assignments

With the artifact admin permission, role assignment rules can be configured at the item level.


Permissions, inherited role assignment rules, and computed roles are not editable at the item level. To do this, go to the Roles and Permissions settings.

To learn more about role assignment rules settings, please refer to roles assignment rules section.