Advanced security options

Hiding error stacks

By default, the DSS backend sends backend error stacks to logged-in users. This makes debugging and understanding easier.

This behavior can be disabled in the following way:

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following key : "hideErrorStacks" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Hiding version info

By default, the DSS backend sends DSS version information, even to non-logged in users.

This behavior can be disabled in the following way:

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following key : "hideVersionStringsWhenNotLogged" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Using secure cookies

By default, DSS login cookies do not carry the Secure flag (which would make them unusable over non-secured HTTP connections).

If you configure DSS to using HTTPS for all users, either natively or through a reverse proxy, you can enable the use of secure cookies. This further secures user connections by ensuring the browser never sends the session cookie over unsecured connections.

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following key : "secureCookies" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Expiring sessions

By default, DSS sessions do not expire. You can configure DSS to have sessions expire, either after a certain amount of time since login, or after a certain amount of inactivity.


  • Enabling sessions expiration also means that all user sessions are always terminated each time the DSS backend restarts

  • Sessions expiration can cause lost work: if you have work open and your session expires, you may not be able to save your work

  • If you have a Jupyter notebook open and your session expires, the underlying Jupyter kernel remains alive and you can still communicate with it and execute code, until the next page refresh. However, saving updates to the notebook becomes impossible

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/ file and add the following key:

  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following keys: "sessionsMaxTotalTimeMinutes" and "sessionsMaxIdleTimeMinutes". Set them to the desired expiration timeout, respectively since login and on inactivity. 0 means no expiration for this kind.

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Forcing a single session per user

By default, DSS users can log in from multiple sessions at once. You can additionally configure DSS to only allow a single session. When a user logs in, all its other sessions are terminated.

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following key : "forceSingleSessionPerUser" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Restricting visibility of groups and users

By default, all logged-in DSS users can view the list of groups and users. This is useful for:

  • Allowing project owners to add groups to their projects

  • Allowing users to mention all users

You can select to restrict visibility of groups and users. The following rules apply:

  • If you are admin, you can see everything

  • You can see all groups to which you belong

  • You can see all users of groups to which you belong

  • In addition, you can see all users that are participants in projects in which you are participant


  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following key : "restrictUsersAndGroupsVisibility" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start


This is a best-effort feature. Obvious listing of users are suppressed, but we do not guarantee perfect isolation.

Redirecting to a custom URL after logout

By default, when users log out from DSS, they are redirected to a standard Web page hosted by DSS.

To configure DSS to redirect users to a different URL when they log out:

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add the following keys:

"postLogoutBehavior": "CUSTOM_URL",
"postLogoutCustomURL": "https:///my-custom-url"
  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start

Example general-settings.json file

With the previous options enabled, your general-settings.json could look like:

  "udr": true,
  "proxySettings": {
    "port": 0
  "mailSettings": {},
  "maxRunningActivitiesPerJob": 5,
  "maxRunningActivities": 5,
  "ldapSettings": {
    "enabled": false,
    "useTls": false,
    "userFilter": "(\u0026(objectClass\u003dposixAccount)(uid\u003d{USERNAME}))",
    "displayNameAttribute": "cn",
    "emailAttribute": "mail",
    "enableGroups": true,
    "groupFilter": "(\u0026(objectClass\u003dposixGroup)(memberUid\u003d{USERNAME}))",
    "groupNameAttribute": "cn",
    "autoImportUsers": true
  "computablesAvailabilityMode": "EXPOSED_ONLY",
  "globalCrossProjectBuildBehaviour": "STOP_AT_BOUNDARIES",
  "noLoginMode": false,
  "sessionsMaxTotalTimeHours": 0,
  "sessionsMaxIdleTimeHours": 0,
  "security" : {
    "hideVersionStringsWhenNotLogged" : true,
    "hideErrorStacks" : true,
    "secureCookies" : true,
    "sessionsMaxTotalTimeMinutes": 0,
    "sessionsMaxIdleTimeMinutes": 20,
    "forceSingleSessionPerUser": false,
    "restrictUsersAndGroupsVisibility": true,
    "postLogoutBehavior": "CUSTOM_URL",
    "postLogoutCustomURL": ""

Restricting types of files that can be uploaded in wikis

By default, all logged-in DSS users can upload any type of files to wiki articles.

You can configure DSS to restrict the types of files that are allowed by specifying a list of accepted extensions.

  • Edit the DATADIR/config/ file

  • Add dku.wikis.authorizedUploadExtensions=png,jpg,jpeg,gif,txt,csv (update the list according to your security needs)

Restricting exports

It is possible to globally restrict some export features in DSS (regardless of project permissions).


Any restriction to exports conceptually remains a “best-effort”. Any user who is granted the right to see data in DSS can, with more or less effort, manage to export it, if only by copy/pasting it.

To use these options, a DSS administrator with access to the DSS server needs to edit the “config/” file in the DSS data dir and add one of the following lines:

  • dku.exports.disableAllDatasetExports=true
    • Disables exports of datasets globally on the instance (the exports that are restricted are the ones that are about “Download” of datasets in order to generate data files (CSV, Excel, Tableau Hyper, …).

    • Other exports (ML data, schema, SQL queries, prepared data) remain possible

    • Disables ability to include datasets in project exports and bundle downloads

    • Disables ability to attach datasets to emails in scenarios

  • dku.exports.disableAllDataExports=true (implies the previous one)
    • Disables exports of datasets globally on the instance (the exports that are restricted are the ones that are about “Download” of datasets in order to generate data files (CSV, Excel, Tableau Hyper, …).

    • Disables exports of prepared data or SQL query results

    • Exports of ML data and schemas remain possible

    • Disables ability to download files of zips from managed folders

    • Disables ability to include datasets or managed folders in project exports and bundle downloads

    • Disables ability to attach datasets or other data items to emails in scenarios

  • dku.exports.disableAllExports=true (implies the previous one)
    • Disables exports of datasets globally on the instance (the exports that are restricted are the ones that are about “Download” of datasets in order to generate data files (CSV, Excel, Tableau Hyper, …).

    • Disables exports of prepared data or SQL query results

    • Disables exports of ML data and schemas

    • Disables ability to download files of zips from managed folders

    • Disables ability to include datasets or managed folders in project exports and bundle downloads

    • Disables ability to attach datasets or other data items to emails in scenarios

Allowing DSS to be hosted inside an iframe

By default, DSS cannot be hosted inside an iframe as Web browsers treats its authentication cookies as SameSite=Lax.

To configure DSS to emit authentication cookies using SameSite=None:

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following keys: "sameSiteNoneCookies" : true and "secureCookies" : true

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start


DSS must be accessed via the HTTPS protocol and cookies must be set as Secure for this option to work as Web browsers do not take into account the SameSite cookie parameter for non-secure cookies.

Allowing DSS users to edit their display names and emails

Starting from version 13.2.0, users can no longer edit their display names and email addresses. Only DSS administrators have the ability to make these changes. This restriction helps prevent impersonation by DSS users.

To allow users to update their display names and email addresses:

  • Stop DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss stop
  • Edit the DATADIR/config/general-settings.json file

  • Locate the "security" top-level key in the JSON file. If it does not exist, create it as an empty JSON object

  • Within “security”, add or edit the following keys: "enableEmailAndDisplayNameModification" : true.

  • Start DSS

DATADIR/bin/dss start


Please note that enabling email and display name modifications will disable the ability for users to share assets, such as projects, via email invitations.