Data Quality Rules

The Data Quality mechanism in Dataiku allows you to easily ensure that your data meets quality standards and automatically monitor the status of your data quality across datasets, projects, and your entire Dataiku instance.

A Data Quality rule tests whether a dataset satisfies set conditions. The computation of a rule yields:

  • a status outcome: “Ok”, “Error” or “Warning”. A less common outcome “Empty” is used to indicate that the condition could not be evaluated because the value is missing.

  • an observed value with further detail. This parameter is optional for custom rules.

Each execution of a rule produces one outcome. Note that if the rule has not yet been computed, the status is “Not Computed”.


The Data Quality mechanism is an improvement introduced in DSS 12.6.0 over the checks system. Data quality rules allow you to specify expectations for datasets in a more streamlined way, and improve reporting of the results via specific dashboards. Other flow objects (managed folders, saved models, model evaluation store) still use checks.

Examples of simple Data Quality rules include:

  • The record count of a dataset is above 0 (i.e., the dataset is not empty)

  • The most frequent value of a column is ‘Y’

  • A column’s values are at most 10% empty

Data Quality rules are configured in the Data Quality tab of a dataset, where you can also easily track the evolution of your dataset’s data quality over time.

Data Quality rule types

Column min in range

Ensures that a column’s minimum value falls within a given range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column avg in range

Ensures that a column’s average value falls within a numeric range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column max in range

Ensures that a column’s maximum value falls within a given range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column sum in range

Ensures that a column’s sum falls within a given range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column median in range

Ensures that a column’s median falls within a given range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column std dev in range

Ensures that a column’s standard deviation falls within a given range.


  • the column to check

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column values are not empty

Ensures that a column does not contain empty values.


  • the column(s) to check - this rule type supports multi-column rules

  • the threshold type - you can verify that all values are non-empty, or that at most a certain number / proportion are empty

  • the expected soft maximum / maximum for empty values (if threshold type is not all values)

Column values are empty

Ensures that a column contains empty values.


  • the column(s) to check - this rule type supports multi-column rules

  • the threshold type: you can verify that all values / at least a certain number of values / at least a certain proportion of values are empty

  • the expected soft minimum / minimum for empty values (if threshold type is not all values)

Column values are unique

Ensures that a column’s values are unique (no duplicates). Empty values are ignored (e.g. a column with 50% empty values will only check the uniqueness of the non-empty values).


  • the column to check

Column top N values in set

Ensures that a column’s N most frequent values fall into a given set. Empty values are ignored (the rule will check the N most frequent non-empty values).


  • the column to check

  • the number of top values to check (must be less than 100)

  • the list of values that are expected to contain the N most frequent values from the dataset

Column most frequent value in set

Ensures that a column’s most common value is in a given set. Empty values are ignored (e.g. most frequent value cannot be empty).


  • the column to check

  • the list of values that are expected to contain the most frequent value from the dataset

Column values are valid according to meaning

Ensures that a column’s values are consistent with a meaning


  • the column to check

  • the meaning to use to assert validity. You can either:

    • use the option “Use meaning from schema” that will use the meaning specified by the dataset’s schema. This option allows the rule to adapt to changes to the column’s meaning, but requires the meaning to be locked in the schema, which you can do by manually selecting it from the dropdown in the Explore tab

    • explicitly select a meaning in the list. The rule will always check validity according to the selected meaning

  • the threshold type - you can verify that all values / at least a certain number / at least a certain proportion are valid

  • consider empty as valid - by default, empty cells are considered as invalid. If this option is checked, they will be considered as valid

  • the expected soft minimum / minimum for valid values (if threshold type is not all values)

Metric value in range

Ensures that a DSS metric’s value falls within a given range.


  • the metric to test

  • auto-compute metric - if checked, when the rule is run, it will recompute the metric value. Otherwise, it will use the most recent value

  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Metric value in set

Ensures that a DSS metric’s value is in a given set of values.


  • the metric to test

  • auto-compute metric - if checked, when the rule is run, it will recompute the metric value. Otherwise, it will use the most recent value

  • the list of allowed values

File size in range

Ensures that a dataset’s file size (in bytes) falls within a given range. Only available for a file-based dataset.


  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Record count in range

Ensures that a dataset’s row count falls within a given range.


  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Column count in range

Ensures that a dataset’s column count falls within a given range.


  • the expected range (minimum / soft minimum / soft maximum / maximum)

Python code

You can also write a custom rule in Python. This rule is equivalent to the “Python check”, so the same code can be used.

The Python method must return a tuple of two strings:

  • the first value is the outcome ‘Ok’, ‘Warning’ or ‘Error’

  • the second value is the optional observed value message

If there are any errors during the Python code execution, the rule will return an “Error” status.

Options: - The code env to use to run the python code - the python code itself

Plugin rules

You can use a plugin to define rules via Python code, using a similar syntax to the Python rule. Existing plugin checks are valid plugin rules. See custom metrics and checks

Rule configuration

The below settings are available for both partitioned and non-partitioned datasets. Note that partitioned datasets have additional settings which you can read about below.

Testing the rule

The Test button in the rule edition panel allows you to check the rule outcome, but does not save the result or update the status of the rule.

Hard and soft minimums and maximums

Some rules check whether a specific numeric value falls within a given range. For these rules, you can configure up to four values: minimum, soft minimum, soft maximum and maximum. The rule outcome is defined as follows:

  • value below minimum : “Error”

  • value below soft minimum : “Warning”

  • value above soft maximum : “Warning”

  • value above maximum : “Error”

  • value in range : “Ok”

Enable / disable

Rules can be enabled or disabled individually. A disabled rule is ignored when computing the rules and when updating the status of the dataset.

Auto-run after build

When the “Auto-run after build” option is set, the rule will be computed automatically after each build of the dataset. This ensures that the rule status is always updated alongside the dataset content.

This setting is ignored for input datasets (dataset that are not the output of any recipe), as they cannot be built within DSS.

Rules computed as part of a dataset build and returning an “Error” status will cause the build job to fail.

Data Quality monitoring views

You can easily track the status of Data Quality rules at either the dataset, project, or instance level in Dataiku.

This makes it easy to quickly identify potential data quality issues at a high level and efficiently drill down into specific issues for further investigation.

The Data Quality views are available for both partitioned and non-partitioned datasets. Partitioned dataset have some specificities related to how statuses are aggregated across partitions which you can read about below.

Dataset level view

This view provides detail on a dataset’s Data Quality rules and computation results.

  • the Current status tab provides the overall dataset status as well as the current status of each rule and run details. Time information is displayed using the user’s timezone

  • the Timeline tab enables you to explore the evolution of the dataset’s daily status and of each of the rules that influenced it, even if they have been disabled or deleted since. Time information is displayed using the UTC timezone.

    • the last status of a rule is the outcome of its last computation before the end of the selected day

    • the worst daily status of a rule is the worst outcome of all computations that happened throughout the selected day

  • the Rule History tab allows you to see all past rule computations Time information is displayed using the user’s timezone

You can also toggle the Monitoring flag from the Current Status tab. When Monitoring is turned on, the dataset is included in the project-level status. Datasets are monitored by default as soon as any rules are added.

Project level view

The project Data Quality tab provides an overview of the project status as well as the statuses of all included datasets.

  • the Current status tab gives you an overview of the current status of the project as a whole as well as each dataset. The current status of the project is the worst current status of its monitored datasets. Time information is displayed using the user’s timezone

  • the Timeline tab enables you to explore the evolution of the status of the project and its datasets, even if they have been deleted since. Time information is displayed using the UTC timezone. Statuses are computed as follows:

    • the last status of a dataset is the worst outcome of the last computation of all enabled rules before the end of the selected day

    • the worst daily status of a dataset is the worst outcome of all rule computations that happened throughout the selected day

By default, the project-level views are filtered to only display monitored datasets.

Instance level view

The instance Data Quality view, available from the Navigation menu, gives you a high level view of Data Quality statuses of the monitored projects you have access to.

A monitored project is a project that contains at least one monitored dataset.

The current status of a project is the worst current status of its monitored datasets.

Timezone limitations

Data Quality timelines and worst daily statuses require grouping rule outcomes per day. Since this information is computed and shared at the instance level, it cannot adapt to the user’s current timezone.

All daily Data Quality data is computed based on the days in UTC timezone.

Other data quality views

Dataset right panel

The Data Quality right panel tab offers a quick view of the current status of all enabled rules. You can access it from the right panel of datasets from the flow, from any dataset screen and from the Data Catalog.

Data Quality Flow view

The Data Quality flow view provides a quick view of the current status of all datasets with Data Quality rules configured within a project.

Data Quality on partitioned datasets

Computation scope

On partitioned datasets, rules may be relevant to specific partitions and/or the whole dataset. The “Computation scope” setting allows you to control whether a given rule should be computed on partitions, the whole dataset, or both, when performing a mass computation.

  • “Partitions”: the rule will be computed individually on each selected partition only

  • “Whole dataset”: the rule will be computed on the whole dataset only

  • “Both”: the rule will be computed both on each selected partition and on the whole dataset

For example, if you have a dataset partitioned by Country and you want to ensure that the median of columnA is at least 20 in every Country partition, and that the average of columnB is at most 50 across the whole dataset (but not individually for each Country), you would use:

  • a “Column median in range” rule on ColumnA with the setting “Partitions” and a minimum of 20

  • a “Column avg in range” rule on ColumnB with the setting “Whole dataset” and a maximum of 50

If you clicked “Compute all” and selected “Whole dataset” and two Countries “Belgium” and “Canada” in the modal, the ColumnA rule would only actually be computed on the partitions “Belgium” and “Canada”, and the ColumnB rule would only actually be computed on the whole dataset.

This setting applies to any mass computation (auto-run after build, from scenarios, with the “Compute all” button). Manually computing a single rule, however, forces the computation on the selected partition regardless of the “Computation scope” setting.

Auto-run after build

For partitioned datasets, this option triggers the computation of the rule on each newly built partition and/or on the whole dataset, depending on the “Computation scope” option. For example, if a job builds a single partition A, it will trigger:

  • the computation on partition A of all rules that have “Partitions” or “Both” as computation scope

  • the computation on the whole dataset of all rules that have “Whole dataset” or “Both” as computation scope

Data Quality monitoring views

For partitioned datasets, the dataset level view shows information for either a single partition or for the whole dataset.

In the project level view, dataset statuses are defined as the worst status of all last computed partitions. The status of each partition is the worst outcome of all enabled rules for that partition (same definition as the status of a non-partitioned dataset)

The current and last status aggregations don’t necessarily include all partitions. They first identify the last day any rule computation happened and only include the partitions that had rule computations on that day. For example, if a dataset has 3 partitions A, B, and C, and on June 5th rules are computed on partitions A and B, then on June 7th rules are computed on partition B, C and on the whole dataset, the dataset statuses will take into account:

  • partitions A and B on the 5th and 6th

  • partitions B, C and whole dataset on the 7th and later

Retro-compatibility with Checks

Data Quality rules are a super-set of checks, ensuring full retro-compatibility. Any existing checks will be displayed in the Data Quality panel as a rule of the corresponding type.

The Data Quality views, however, rely on data that did not exist previously, and will therefore suffer some limitations:

  • timelines for periods before the introduction of Data Quality will stay empty

  • current status for datasets will be missing until a single rule is computed on the dataset or the settings are changed

  • external checks will not be taken into account in the dataset status until they receive a new value

  • current status for projects will only consider dataset that have a status, eg that had a rule computed since the introduction of Data Quality rules