

You might want to start with our resources on data connections in the Knowledge Base.

DSS supports the full range of features on PostgreSQL:

  • Reading and writing datasets

  • Executing SQL recipes

  • Performing visual recipes in-database

  • Using live engine for charts

DSS supports PostgreSQL versions 9 and above. PostgreSQL 8 is not supported.

PostgreSQL on Google Cloud SQL is also supported.


Computing column statistics metrics on PostgreSQL datasets requires a version 9.4 or greater.

Installing the JDBC driver

The PostgreSQL driver is pre-installed in DSS. You don’t need any further installation.

Secure connections (SSL / TLS) support

DSS can connect to a PostgreSQL server using secure connections.

PostGIS integration

PostGIS is a widely used PostgreSQL database extension that allows to store and process geospatial data. DSS can leverage PostGIS functionalities to run geospatial queries directly in the database.

In order to verify that PostGIS is properly installed and can be used in DSS, there’s a checkbox available on the PostgreSQL connections page:



DSS supports 2 geospatial types: geopoint and geometry. By default they’ll be translated to geography type of PostGIS. This behaviour can be changed by setting dku.datasets.postgresql.postgis.useGeography parameter to false in the config/ file.