

You might want to start with our resources on data connections in the Knowledge Base.

DSS supports the full range of features on Databricks:

  • Reading and writing datasets

  • Executing SQL recipes

  • Performing visual recipes in-database

  • Using live engine for charts

Connection setup (Dataiku Cloud Stacks or Dataiku Custom)

The Databricks JDBC driver is already preinstalled in DSS and does not need to be installed

  • Fill in the settings of the connection using your Databricks information.

  • (Optional but recommended) Fill auto-fast-write settings - see Writing data into Databricks

Connection setup (Dataiku Cloud)

To set up a Databricks connection you need to be a Dataiku Cloud Space Admin. You can set up the connection with global credentials (default option) or with per-user credentials.

  • In your launchpad, select “Add Feature”, then “Databricks” (either read-only or read-write)

  • Fill the settings

To set up the connection with per-user credentials

  • You have to create your connection by entering existing settings,

  • Then each user will have to fill in their credentials individually.

  • Also, note that therefore the connection can not be tested from the launchpad with this setup.

After the Space Admin has completed this first step in the launchpad, each user needs to do the following in their DSS:

  • Go to Dataiku DSS

  • Go to User (image icon top right) > Profile and settings (gear icon) > Credentials

  • Click the “Edit” button next to the new connection name

  • Follow the instructions that appear

  • You can now test the connection

Authenticate using OAuth2

DSS can authenticate to Azure or AWS Databricks using OAuth2.

OAuth2 access is performed either using “per-user” credentials, or using “global” client credentials.

With per-user credentials

Each user must grant DSS permission to access Databricks on their behalf. Databricks SQL warehouses are configured with OAuth 2.0 authentication.

Setting up OAuth for a Databricks connection requires several steps.

You first need to configure an OAuth App in Databricks.

For AWS, it can be done easily by creating an App connection in Manage Account > Settings > App connection. Note the client id and client secret that appear on this connection creation.

For Azure, you must first create an Active Directory token by running

az account get-access-token --resource 2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d --query "accessToken" -o tsv

Then you can generate an OAuth App with the following command

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <Your AD token>"
     --request POST<account-id>/oauth2/custom-app-integrations
     -d '{"redirect_urls": ["http(s)://DSS_BASE_URL/dip/api/oauth2-callback"], "confidential": true, "name": "dataiku", "scopes": ["sql", "offline_access"]}'

This command will output a JSON text where you will find the client Id and client secret


Then, create a new Databricks connection

  • Fill in the basic params (Host, Port, HTTP path) as usual

  • Select “OAuth” as the “Auth Type”.

  • Select “Per-user”

  • Fill the “Client id”, “Client secret” with the ones generated from your OAuth app

  • Fill the “OAuth authorization endpoint”

    • for Azure ,<account id>/v1/authorize

    • for AWS ,<account id>/v1/authorize

  • Fill the “OAuth token endpoint”

    • for Azure ,<account id>/v1/token

    • for AWS ,<account id>/v1/token

  • Fill the “Scope” with sql+offline_access

  • Create the connection (you can’t test it yet)

Then for each user:

  • Go to user profile > credentials

  • Click the “Edit” button next to the new connection name

  • Follow the instructions that appear

  • This stores a refresh token for your user. Note that Dataiku does not display the time at which the refresh token was obtained

  • You can now test the connection

With global credentials

In Databricks, create the following objects (see for more details)

  • Create a service principal (in Manage Account > User Management > Service Principal)

  • Create an OAuth secret in this service

  • In Workspaces, give the permissions to this service principal

Then, create a new Databricks connection

  • Fill in the basic params (Host, Port, HTTP path) as usual

  • Select “OAuth” as the “Auth Type”.

  • Select “Global”

  • Fill the “Client id”, “Client secret” with the OAuth secret ones you just have created

  • Fill the “OAuth token endpoint”

    • for Azure ,<account id>/v1/token

    • for AWS ,<account id>/v1/token

  • Fill the “Scope” with sql+offline_access

  • Create the connection

Writing data into Databricks

Loading data into a Databricks database using the regular SQL INSERT or COPY statements is inefficient and should only be used for extremely small datasets.

The recommended way to load data into a Databricks table is through a bulk COPY from files stored in Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage (depending on the cloud your Databricks is running on).

DSS can automatically use this fast load method. For that, you need an S3 or Azure Blob connection. Then, in the settings of the Databricks connection:

  • Enable “Automatic fast-write”

  • In “Auto fast write connection”, enter the name of the cloud storage connection to use

  • In “Path in connection”, enter a relative path to the root of the cloud storage connection, such as “db-tmp”. This is a temporary path that will be used in order to put temporary upload files. This should not be a path containing datasets.

DSS will now automatically use the optimal cloud-to-Databricks copy mechanism when executing a recipe that needs to load data “from the outside” into Databricks, such as a code recipe.

Note that when running visual recipes directly in-database, this does not apply, as data do not move outside of the database.

Requirements on the cloud storage connection

  • For Azure Blob

    • You must generate a SAS Token, then save the token in the Azure Blob Storage connection settings in the “SAS Token” field.

Explicit sync from cloud

In addition to the automatic fast-write that happens transparently each time a recipe must write into Databricks, the Sync recipe also has an explicit “Cloud to Databricks” engine. This is faster than automatic fast-write because it does not copy to the temporary location in the cloud storage first.

It will be used automatically if the following constraints are met:

  • The source dataset is stored on S3 or Azure Blob Storage

  • The destination dataset is stored on Databricks

Unloading data from Databricks to Cloud

Unloading data from Databricks directly to DSS using JDBC is reasonably fast. However, if you need to unload data from Databricks to S3 or Azure Blob Storage, the sync recipe has a “Databricks to Cloud” engine that implements a faster path.

In order to use Databricks to Cloud sync, the following conditions are required:

  • The source dataset must be stored on Databricks

  • The destination dataset must be stored on Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage

Databricks Connect integration

Dataiku can leverage the Databricks Connect package in order to read Dataiku datasets stored in Databricks, build queries using DataFrames and then write the result back to a Databricks dataset.

The Databricks Connect integration can be used in Python code recipes and in Jupyter notebooks.

In order to use it, you will need:

  • a Databricks cluster with a runtime in version at least 13.0

  • A Databricks connection using personal access token credentials (OAuth is not officially supported by the underlying Python package databricks-connect), with Security option “Details readable by” set to Every analyst or Selected groups.

  • A Dataiku Code Env based on Python 3.10, with the package requirement “databricks-connect==13.0.*”, and built.

If you have Databricks datasets pointing to some tables in Databricks, then you can get a DataFrame representing the underlying Databricks table. From there, you can use the full Databricks Connect API with the DataFrame.

# get the DSS dataset handle
input_ds = dataiku.Dataset("the_input_dataset_name")
# get the data from the table that the dataset points to
df = dbc.get_dataframe(input_ds)

Likewise, to save a DataFrame into a dataset backed by a Databricks table, you can run:

# get the data from some dataset
input_ds = dataiku.Dataset("the_input_dataset_name")
df = dbc.get_dataframe(input_ds)
# perform a simple aggregation on the table
counts = df.groupBy('some_column_name').count()
# and save back the aggregates to a dataset
output_ds = dataiku.Dataset("the_output_dataset_name")
dbc.write_with_schema(output_ds, counts)

If you want to go further, you can retrieve and directly use a session. Databricks Connect works by creating a handle on a Databricks cluster, called a session. DSS will create a session based on the credentials of a connection, which you can pass explicitly by name, or implicitly by passing a dataset from which DSS will grab a connection name.

# Getting a session from a connection directly
from dataiku.dbconnect import DkuDBConnect
dbc = DkuDBConnect()
session = dbc.get_session('the_connection_name')

Once the session is created, it can be used to run SQL commands against the cluster.

session.sql("show databases").show()

The sql() function actually produces a PySpark DataFrame, on which the usual PySpark functions can be applied.

# get the data from some table
df = session.sql("select * from some_catalog.some_schema.some_table_name")
# perform a simple aggregation on the table
counts = df.groupBy('some_column_name').count()
# and show the results

Since the session is a PySpark handle, you can access tables in Databricks with read.table().

# get the data from some table with SQL...
df = session.sql("select * from some_catalog.some_schema.some_table_name")
# ... or directly
df ="some_table_name")

And you can save a DataFrame into a Databricks table using saveAsTable().

# get the data from some table
df ="some_table_name")
# perform a simple aggregation on the table
counts = df.groupBy('some_column_name').count()
# and save back the aggregates

Advanced install of the JDBC driver


This feature is not available on Dataiku Cloud.

The Databricks JDBC driver is already preinstalled in DSS and does not usually need to be installed. If you need to customize the JDBC driver, follow these instructions:

The Databricks JDBC driver can be downloaded from Databricks website (

The driver is made of a single JAR file DatabricksJDBC42.jar

To install:

  • Copy this JAR file to the lib/jdbc/databricks subdirectory of the DSS data directory (make it if necessary)

  • Restart DSS

  • In each Databricks connection, switch the driver mode to “User provided” and enter “lib/jdbc/databricks” as the Databricks driver directory