Installing a new DSS instance


This is the documentation to perform a Custom Dataiku install of a new Dataiku DSS instance on a Linux server

Other installation options are available (Dataiku Cloud Stacks, macOS, Windows, AWS sandbox, Azure sandbox, or Virtual Machine). Please see Installing and setting up.


To install Dataiku DSS, you need:

  • the installation tar.gz file

  • to make sure that you meet the installation Requirements.

Installation folders

A Dataiku DSS installation spans over two folders:

  • The installation directory, which contains the code of Dataiku DSS. This is the directory where the Dataiku DSS tarball is unzipped (denoted as “INSTALL_DIR”)

  • The data directory (which will later be named “DATA_DIR”).

The data directory contains :

  • The configuration of Dataiku DSS, including all user-generated configuration (datasets, recipes, insights, models, …)

  • Log files for the server components

  • Log files of job executions

  • Various caches and temporary files

  • A Python virtual environment dedicated to running the Python components of Dataiku DSS, including any user-installed supplementary packages

  • Dataiku DSS startup and shutdown scripts and command-line tools

Depending on your configuration, the data directory can also contain some managed datasets. Managed datasets can also be created outside of the data directory with some additional configuration.

It is highly recommended that you reserve at least 100 GB of space for the data directory.

The data directory should be entirely contained within a single mount and be a regular folder. Having foreign mounts within the data directory, or symlinking parts of the data directory to foreign mounts is not supported.



Unpack the tar.gz in the location you have chosen for the installation directory.

tar xzf /PATH/TO/dataiku-dss-VERSION.tar.gz
# This creates a directory named dataiku-dss-VERSION in the current directory
# which contains DSS code for this version (no user file is written to it by DSS).
# This directory is referred to as INSTALL_DIR in this document.

Install Dataiku DSS

From the user account which will be used to run Dataiku DSS, enter the following command:

dataiku-dss-VERSION/ -d /path/to/DATA_DIR -p PORT [-l LICENSE_FILE]


  • DATA_DIR is the location of the data directory that you want to use. If the directory already exists, it must be empty.

  • PORT is the base TCP port. Dataiku DSS will use several ports between PORT and PORT+10

  • LICENSE_FILE is your Dataiku DSS license file.


DATA_DIR must be outside of the install dir (i.e. DATA_DIR must not be within dataiku-dss-VERSION)


If you don’t enter a license file at this point, DSS will start as a Free Edition. You can enter a license file at any time.

The installer automatically checks for any missing system dependencies. If any is missing, it will give you the command to run to install them with superuser privileges. After installation of dependencies is complete, you can start the Dataiku DSS installer again, using the same command as above.

(Optional) Enable startup at boot time

At the end of installation, Dataiku DSS will give you the optional command to run with superuser privileges to configure automatic boot-time startup:

sudo -i INSTALL_DIR/scripts/install/ DATA_DIR USER_ACCOUNT


This configures a boot-time system service with a default name of “dataiku”. If you have several instances of DSS installed on the same host, and want more than one to automatically start at boot time, you need to provide different, non-default names for them so as to configure independent boot-time system services, as follows:

# Defines system service "" for DSS design instance
# Defines system service "" for DSS automation instance

Start Dataiku DSS

To start Dataiku DSS, run the following command:

DATA_DIR/bin/dss start

Complete installation example

The following shows a transcript from a complete installation sequence:

# Start from the home directory of user account "dataiku"
# which will be used to run the Dataiku DSS
# We will install DSS using data directory: /home/dataiku/dss_data
$ pwd
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dataiku dataiku 159284660 Feb  4 15:20 dataiku-dss-VERSION.tar.gz
-r-------- 1 dataiku dataiku       786 Jan 31 07:42 license.json

# Unpack distribution kit
$ tar xzf dataiku-dss-VERSION.tar.gz

# Run installer, with data directory $HOME/dss_data and base port 10000
# This fails because of missing system dependencies
$ dataiku-dss-VERSION/ -d /home/dataiku/dss_data -l /home/dataiku/license.json -p 10000

# Install dependencies with elevated privileges, using the command shown by the previous step
$ sudo -i "/home/dataiku/dataiku-dss-VERSION/scripts/install/"

# Rerun installer script, which will succeed this time
$ dataiku-dss-VERSION/ -d /home/dataiku/dss_data -l /home/dataiku/license.json -p 10000

# Configure boot-time startup, using the command shown by the previous step
$ sudo -i "/home/dataiku/dataiku-dss-VERSION/scripts/install/" "/home/dataiku/dss_data" dataiku

# Manually start DSS, using the command shown by the installer step
$ /home/dataiku/dss_data/bin/dss start

# Connect to Dataiku DSS by opening the following URL in a web browser:
#    http://HOSTNAME:10000
# Initial credentials : username = "admin" / password = "admin"

Manual dependency installation

The Dataiku DSS installer includes a dependency management script, to be run with superuser privileges, which automatically installs the additional Linux packages required for your particular configuration.

In some cases however, it might be necessary to manually install these dependencies, for instance when the person installing DSS does not have access to administrative privileges, or when the server does not have access to the required package repositories.

If you manually pre-installed all the dependencies that would have been selected by the automated script, you can continue installing Dataiku DSS using standard procedures. If that is not the case (because you explicitly chose to leave a component missing, or you installed some component from an alternate source) you must then run the DSS installer with the “-n” flag, to disable the default dependency checks.

Red Hat / CentOS / Oracle Linux / AlmaLinux distributions

You may need to configure the following additional repositories:





for nginx [RedHat/CentOS v7.x] and R


[RedHat/CentOS v6.x] for Python 2.7 and 3.6


[RedHat/CentOS v6.x] for nginx

On RedHat and Oracle Linux 6.x and 7.x, you may also need to enable the vendor’s “optional” repository, for indirect dependencies required by R.

On RedHat and CentOS 8.x, you may also need to enable the “CodeReady” or “PowerTools” repositories, for indirect dependencies required by R.

Dataiku DSS depends on the following packages:




For User Isolation Framework support

expat git nginx unzip zip



[RedHat/CentOS v8.x] Mandatory


See “Java” note below

python27 python36 freetype libgfortran libgomp

[RedHat/CentOS v6.x] for built-in Python packages. See “Python” note below

python27-devel python36-devel

[RedHat/CentOS v6.x] See “Additional Python packages” note below

python python3 freetype libgfortran libgomp

[RedHat/CentOS v7.x] for built-in Python packages. See “Python” note below

python-devel python3-devel

[RedHat/CentOS v7.x] See “Additional Python packages” note below

python2 python36 freetype libgfortran libgomp

[RedHat/AlmaLinux/… v8.x] for built-in Python packages. See “Python” note below

python2-devel python36-devel

[RedHat/AlmaLinux/… v8.x] See “Additional Python packages” note below

bzip2 mesa-libGL libSM libXrender libgomp alsa-lib

For Anaconda-Python-based installations, see note below

R-core-devel libicu-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel

See “R” note below.

Debian / Ubuntu Linux distributions

You may need to configure the following additional repository:





[Debian 9.x, 10.x, Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04] For R

Dataiku DSS depends on the following packages:




For User Isolation Framework support

curl git libexpat1 libncurses5 nginx unzip zip



See “Java” note below

python2.7 libpython2.7 libfreetype6 libgomp1

For built-in Python packages. See “Python” note below


See “Additional Python packages” note below

python3.6 python3-distutils

[Ubuntu 18.04] For Python 3.6


[Ubuntu 18.04] See “Additional Python packages” note below

bzip2 libgl1-mesa-glx libsm6 libxrender1 libgomp1 libasound2

For Anaconda-Python-based installations, see note below

r-base-dev libicu-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev pkg-config

See “R” note below

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distributions

You may need to configure the following additional repository:





For nginx



For R

Dataiku DSS depends on the following packages:




For User Isolation Framework support

git-core libexpat1 libncurses5 nginx unzip zip



See “Java” note below

python python-xml libfreetype6 libgomp1

For built-in Python packages. See “Python” note below

python36 libgfortran3

[Suse 12.x] For Python 3.6


[Suse 15.x] For Python 3.6

bzip2 Mesa-libGL1 libSM6 libXrender1 libgomp1

For Anaconda-Python-based installations, see note below

gcc-fortran R-core-devel libicu-devel libcurl-devel libopenssl-devel libxml2-devel

See “R” note below

Base development tools

See “R” note below

Additional notes


The suggested dependency package is the platform default, but DSS can use other Java runtime environments. See Advanced Java runtime configuration for details.


The dependencies listed above are required to use the precompiled set of Python packages provided with DSS. This does not apply when using custom-built Python libraries. See Python integration for details.

Python 3.6

Starting with DSS 6.0, built-in Python packages are provided both for Python 2.7 and Python 3.6, and the base DSS Python environment can be built with either of these versions. The DSS dependency installer pulls Python 2.7 on all Linux distributions, and Python 3.6 on all distributions where it is readily available. This can be overridden if needed - see Python integration for details.

Additional python packages

Installing additional Python packages which include native code require the dependencies listed above and the system development tools to be installed (typically C/C++ compilers and headers), in addition to any package-specific dependency.

Anaconda Python

The dependencies listed above for Anaconda-Python-based installations replace those listed for system-Python-based installations.


The dependencies listed above are only necessary to enable R integration in DSS. Note that the system development tools and additional dependencies are usually needed in order to build the required R packages. DSS requires R version 3.2.5 or later.