MLflow Models

MLflow is an open-source platform for managing the machine learning lifecycle.

MLflow offers a standard format for packaging trained machine learning models: MLflow Models.

You can import MLflow models in DSS, as DSS saved models. This allows you to benefit from all of the ML management capabilities of DSS on your existing MLflow models:


The MLflow model import feature is supported, and Dataiku tests it with a variety of different MLflow models. Dataiku makes best effort to ensure that the advanced capabilities of its MLflow import support are compatible with the widest possible variety of MLflow models.

However, MLflow imposes extremely few constraints on models, and different MLflow models are allowed to behave in arbitrary non-standard ways and to return completely different kind of data.

It is thus not possible to guarantee unfettered ability to use all features (notably advanced features such as performance evaluation, model comparison or drift analysis) with all types of models.