Cloudera CDP

Dataiku supports Cloudera Data Platform - CDP Private Cloud Base:

  • 7.1.6

  • 7.1.7 (aka 7.1.7.p0)

  • 7.1.7 SP1 (aka 7.1.7.p1000 and above). DSS has been tested on 7.1.7.p1000 and 7.1.7.p1029

  • 7.1.7 SP2 (aka 7.1.7.p2000 and above)

  • 7.1.8

  • 7.1.9

Spark support

  • Spark 3.2 is supported on CDP 7.1.7

  • Spark 3.3 is supported on CDP 7.1.8

  • Support for Spark 2 is deprecated

  • Connection to Azure Blob (abfs:// URLs) with Spark 3 is not supported


  • Connecting to secure clusters is supported

  • User isolation is supported with Ranger

  • Using Knox is not supported. DSS must be deployed within the zone protected by Knox

Know issues

  • The Hive version deployed by CDP 7.1.9 doesn’t support unbounded ranges ( in analytical function, which impacts Window recipes in DSS if they use an unbounded window frame. It can be worked around by setting the following Hive property:

set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled=false