DSS tried to perform an HTTP request which failed.
This error can happen:
when trying to preview or use HTTP datasets
when trying to run a download recipe with HTTP sources
This error indicates that a connection could be established, but that there was a subsequent issue with the HTTP request. The message of the error will contain additional information.
Some common reasons for a HTTP request failure are:
The URL is incorrect
There was an error on the HTTP server’s side
There is a proxy preventing DSS from fetching that URL
The URL is incorrectly labeled as HTTPS instead of HTTP or vice-versa
The first step for solving this issue is to go to the dataset’s or download recipe settings screen.
Refer to the documentation on HTTP dataset and documentation on DSS and Hive in order to get additional information on HTTP sources in DSS.
Make sure that the URLs are correct
Try accessing these URLs in the browser
Try accessing these URLs using the
command line from the DSS serverCheck if a proxy is between DSS and the HTTP server(s), ask your DSS Administrator to review DSS’s proxy settings (in Administration > Settings > Misc).
On the HTTP dataset’s (or Dowload recipe’s) settings, you can specify whether its URLs should be fetched through DSS’s globally-configured proxy (for external networks / Internet) or not (for internal network).