AI Code Assistant¶
The AI Code Assistant is a powerful tool enhancing the coding experience in Jupyter Notebooks and Visual Studio Code (in Code Studio).
In order to start using the AI Code Assistant, the feature needs to be enabled by an admin. It also requires a connection to an LLM.
Go to Administration > Settings > OTHER > AI Services
Make sure Enable AI Code Assistant is checked
Select which LLM connection to use as default
Click Save
Usage in Jupyter notebooks¶
There is only one step needed to enable AI Code Assistant in Jupyter notebooks:
Copy the following code in a cell and execute it:
%load_ext ai_code_assistant
Usage in Visual Studio Code¶
Using a self-signed certificate may prevent the feature from being fully functional on all browsers.
To use AI Code Assistant in Visual Studio Code, an admin must enable it in the Code Studio Template:
Ensure the Install AI Code Assistant option is enabled in the Visual Code Studio block (it is enabled by default)
Rebuild the template and restart the Code Studio to apply changes
You will find a new side panel in VSCode.

You will also have some new actions in the right-click menu when launched from inside a file (some are only available once you have made a selection in the file).