Audit data

Each audit event is a JSON message. You can parse DSS audit events using the “JSON” file format in DSS. We recommend setting a “max depth” of 2, 1 for the envelope and 1 for the actual data fields

Events envelopes

Each audit event is a JSON message. Depending on how it was written, its form can be a bit different, as it can be wrapped in a different envelope.

In standard audit log files

In standard audit log files (produced through log4j), events look like:

{"severity":"INFO","logger":"dku.audit.generic","message":{ ... The actual JSON message ...},"mdc":{"apiCall":"/api/projects/get-summary","user":"admin"},"callTime":9,"timestamp":"2020-02-19T16:05:02.441+0100"}
  • severity can be ignored

  • logger will indicate the topic

  • mdc contains additional context information that will usually be repeated in the message

  • callTime indicates, for events sent during processing of a queyr, how long the current query had been running

  • timestamp is the ISO-8601-formatted timestamp at which it was processed

In Event Server data files

Event Server data files are formulated like:

{"clientEvent":{ ... The actual JSON message ... },"origAddress":"","serverTimestamp":"2020-03-17T19:15:30.609+0100"}
  • origAddress is the IP of the DSS node that sent the event to the Event Server

  • serverTimestamp is the ISO-8601-formatted timestamp at which it was received on the Event Server

Event data

Each event is a single JSON object and will always contain at least a msgType indicating the precise message type. Additional fields depend on the msgType.

Most audit events will contain a authUser field indicating the user who performed the request

Some of the most important msgTypes are:

For “generic” topic

  • application-open: DSS was open in a browser tab

  • login/logout: self-explanatory

  • dataset-read-data-sample: A dataset’s Explore was open

  • dataset-read-data: Data was read for a dataset

  • flow-job-start / flow-job-done: A job was started/completed

  • flow-object-build-start / flow-object-build-failed / flow-object-build-success: Within a job, a dataset was built

  • scenario-run: A scenario was run manually

  • scenario-fire-trigger: A scenario was run automatically

  • project-export-download: A project was exported

  • dataset-export: A dataset was exported

For “apinode-query” topic

  • “prediction-query”: a prediction endpoint was run

  • “sql-query”: a SQL query endpoint was run

  • “dataset-lookup-query”: a dataset lookup endpoint was run

  • “function-query”: a function endpoint was run

For “compute-resource-usage” topic

  • “compute-resource-usage-start”: a compute resource usage was started

  • “compute-resource-usage-update”: a compute resource usage was updated

  • “compute-resource-usage-complete”: a compute resource usage was completed

  • “compute-resource-usage-start”: a compute resource usage was started

  • “kubernetes-cluster-usage-status”: periodic report on the status and usage of a Kubernetes cluster