dsscli tool

dsscli is a command-line tool that can perform a variety of runtime administration tasks on DSS. It can be used directly by a DSS administrator, or incorporated into automation scripts.

Most dsscli operations are performed through the DSS public API and can thus also be performed using the DSS public API Python client. You can also directly query the DSS REST API.

Running dsscli

dsscli is made of a large number of commands. Each command performs a single administration task. Each command takes arguments and options

From the DSS data directory, run ./bin/dsscli <command> <arguments>

  • Running ./bin/dsscli -h will list the available commands.

  • Running ./bin/dsscli <command> -h will show the detailed help of the selected command.

For example, to list jobs history in project MYPROJECT, use ./bin/dsscli jobs-list MYPROJECT

dsscli vs dssadmin

Another command-line tool is available in the DSS data directory for performing management tasks on DSS: ./bin/dssadmin

  • dssadmin is mostly for “installation-kind” of commands (setting up R, Spark or Hadoop integration for example)

  • dsscli is mostly for “day-to-day” routine operations (creating users, running jobs, …)

Controlling dsscli output

All dsscli commands that display results take two additional arguments:

  • --no-header removes column headers from display to make them easier to parse (each line of the output directly corresponds to one data item)

  • --output json to format output as JSON for machine consumption (the default is --output fancy)