Code explanations

Dataiku DSS can generate explanations of code used in code recipes. The feature leverages a Large Language Model (LLM) to do this.

Enabling AI Explain

In order to start using code explanations, the AI Explain feature needs to be enabled by an admin.

  • Go to Administration > Settings > OTHER > AI Services

  • Make sure Enable AI Explain is checked

  • Click Save

To enable the feature in Dataiku Cloud you need to be a member of the space_administrators group:

  • Go to the Launchpad > Extensions > AI Services

  • Accept the Dataiku AI Services Terms of Use

  • Make sure Enable AI Explain is checked

  • Click Add

Generating code explanations

  • Select the Explain tab in the left-hand side pane on the code recipe screen

  • Click Explain

You can choose to generate an explanation of a code selection only by making a code selection first.

Explanation options

After clicking Settings it is possible to adjust the generated explanations using these options:

  • Language: the natural language of the explanation

  • Purpose: the intended audience of the explanation

  • Length: the verbosity of the explanation


The explanations are AI-generated and as such are subject to errors.