Extract with regular expression

Extract chunks from a column using a regular expression. Note that regular expressions are not anchored: ([0-9]*) will capture 232 in val-232.


Regular expression

Once the input column is filled, use Find with Smart Pattern to help generate a regular expression.

Capture groups

Use named or unnamed capture groups to extract distinct chunks into several output columns. Unnamed capture groups use the (pattern) syntax and place matches into numbered columns. Named capture groups use the ((?<groupname>pattern) syntax and place matches into named columns using the group name.

Example, unnamed group:

  • Cell value: id-37-X234

  • Pattern: id-([0-9]*)-([0-9A-Z]*)

  • Output column prefix: extracted_

  • Result: extracted_1=37 extracted_2=X234

Example, named group:

  • Cell value: id-37-X234

  • Pattern: id-(?<numidentifier>[0-9]*)-(?<identifier2>[0-9A-Z]*)

  • Output column prefix: extracted_

  • Result: extracted_numidentifier=37 extracted_identifier2=X234

Found column

Enable this option to create a column name found containing a boolean to indicate whether or not the pattern matched.

Extract all occurrences

Enable this option to extract multiple matches of a group into one array.