Non-managed code environments

When a completely custom Python or R installation is needed, DSS can let the user maintain code environment directly. In this case, the code environment is “non-managed” from the point of view of DSS. To create such an environment:

  • go to Administration > Code envs

  • create a new Python or R environment

  • select “Non-managed path” as environment type

  • Give an identifier to your code environment. Only use A-Z, a-z, digits and hyphens


Code environment identifiers must be globally unique to the DSS instance, so use a complete and descriptive identifier

A non-managed code environment is basically a folder created by DSS. Its path can be found on the code environment’s General tab, as “Location of the environment”.

Non-managed Python code environment

DSS requires the presence in the location of the non-managed code environment of the following files:

  • bin/python : a python executable

  • bin/pip : a script to list the packages, that will be called with the arguments “bin/python bin/pip freeze -l”

Non-managed R code environment

DSS requires the presence in the location of the non-managed code environment of the following files:

  • bin/R : a R executable