Setting up¶
API Deployer is not responsible for starting and managing your Kubernetes cluster, which must already exist.
The prerequisites for deploying API services on Kubernetes are:
You need to have an existing Kubernetes cluster. The “kubectl” command on the API Deployer node must be fully functional and usable by the user running DSS.
The local “docker” command must be usable by the user running DSS. That includes the permission to build images, and thus access to a Docker socket
You need to have an image registry, accessible by your Kubernetes cluster
The local “docker” command must have permission to push images to your image registry
The MacOS installation of DSS does not support Kubernetes
API services using conda-based code environments are not supported
Your DSS machine must have direct outgoing Internet access in order to install packages
Your containers must have direct outgoing Internet access in order to install packages
Build the base image¶
Before you can deploy to Kubernetes, a “base image” must be constructed. Each API Deployer deployment will then create a final Docker image made of:
The base image
An additional layer containing the API Service data and settings
Each Deployment infrastructure on the API Deployer can use a different base image. If you don’t configure anything specific, all infrastructures will use a default base image.
After each upgrade of DSS, you must rebuild all base images
From the DSS Datadir, run
./bin/dssadmin build-base-image --type api-deployer
For more details on building base images and customizing base images, please see Initial setup and Customization of base images.
Create the Kubernetes infrastructure in DSS¶
Go to API Deployer > Infrastructures
Create a new infra with type Kubernetes
Go to Settings > Kubernetes cluster
The elements you may need to customize are:
Kubectl context: if your kubectl configuration file has several contexts, you need to indicate which one DSS will target - this allows you to target multiple Kubernetes cluster from a single API Deployer by using several kubectl contexts
Kubernetes namespace: all elements created by DSS in your Kubernetes cluster will be created in that namespace
Registry host